Blog 1 – It Is All About the Kingdom of God

A new chapter of life begins, and this is its first blog. There is so much to say, so, where do I begin?

How about I begin with, “Welcome to I am Dr. Fred Childs, your host”.

It took many years for me to write that, but now that I have said it, let the real work begin. This site will be a continual work in progress. Please be patient. I am committed to this for the long term.

I invite you to join me on a journey of exploration. Hopefully this will become the home base for anyone who chooses to seek, understand, explore, and experience the very real Kingdom of God. You are entering a territory of unlimited insights and revelations that only God could have orchestrated. Hopefully I can at best be a catalyst, but it is His Holy Spirit and WORD of God that must lead and guide you into all truth. All glory and honor belong to God.

The Kingdom of God is real. It is 100% spiritual. It is everlasting.

This chapter of ministry for me began with an audible voice.

I was born again on January 31, 1980, and began working in ministry that year. I am amazed at just how God has used such a vessel as I around the world. It has not been an easy journey, and I could not have succeeded without the abundant help, patience, and mercy of the Almighty God. By 2006 I had ministered in over 2000 churches around the world. I was the new pastor of a church in Illinois. It was there where this journey began . . . and it did so with an audible voice!

I was in my church office preparing a message to preach to the congregation. I was reading the Bible and came to Matthew 4:17, where it says. “From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (KJV)

I had read that verse countless times. I had preached it and heard it preached again and again. However, I felt an anointing as I read those familiar words of Jesus. I paused and pondered. Suddenly an audible voice spoke to me! I knew it to be God.

“When was the last time you heard anyone in your movement preach or teach in depth about the Kingdom of God?”, He asked. I was stunned. God’s question almost left me breathless. It wasn’t the hearing of the voice of God that stunned me, but it was the question He asked.

I searched in my mind, and I had no answer! In my 26 years of ministry, I had never heard any of my peers teach or preach in depth at all on the Kingdom of God! Never even once! Perhaps someone had done so, but if they had I never heard them do so.

I had heard “the Kingdom of God” mentioned countless times, but never taught about in any deep fashion as to what it is.

As I mused over this, the voice spoke again a second time. “When is the last time you preached or taught in-depth on the Kingdom of God?”

I was shaken. I realized I had never taught or preached in any depth whatsoever about the Kingdom of God. I knew I had referred to it innumerable times. I had of course taught about being born again into the Kingdom of God, but did I truly understand what the Kingdom of God really is? Could I expound on it systematically or in detail? Could I explain it? I thought I could, but was that enough? Saying it is not the same as understanding it. These and other questions flooded my mind.

As I pondered this the voice spoke to me the third and final time, asking, “How do you even know if you know what it even is?”

I fell upon my knees and began to repent and call upon the Name of Jesus. It was then that I understood my need of understanding the Kingdom of God. I made up my mind to do so.

I began with the WORD of God, prayer, and study. Eventually I searched for the writings and messages of others. Many of their influences saturate things I now understand and share, and I am profoundly grateful. I compiled hundreds of pages of scattered notes, scribblings, thoughts, and so forth. I began to teach and preach them.

I was interested in learning, but at the time I did not consider compiling my notes into book form. Eventually I typed them up but didn’t keep records of what were my original thoughts, or what I had gleaned from others. Later we moved and all my original notes were lost in the transition. All I retained was the typed version, but no credits were noted regarding the contributions of others.

My ministry changed as I began to understand the Kingdom of God. The core truths I had believed were validated and strengthened. I had always witnessed an abundance of miracles and healing, but a new depth came upon me.

The BIG PICTURE and purpose of the Bible became clear.

The time has come to simply share what I have come to know and believe. May you be inspired to grow in the knowledge and experience of the Kingdom of God as never before.

It is all about the Kingdom of God. It was the complete focus of the ministry of the LORD Jesus Christ. He never varied from that focal point. He revealed it unto mankind.

May you learn and do the same.

Jesus is the King of His eternal Kingdom. Go forth, explore, experience, and share it.

Dr. Fred Childs