“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 8 – The Kingdom of God is Here Right Now!

Lesson 8 of the “Understanding the Kingdom of God” series taught by your host Dr. Fred Childs, reveals that we are in the Kingdom of God now! We were born again into it. We are participating in it now. We will be in it for eternity. There is no need to wait for a coming millennium to share His Kingdom on earth, for Jesus is already in us now on earth.  He already reigns as King of kings. We are already called kings and priests unto God.

We do not have to die or be raptured to experience the Kingdom of God. Your first experience in the spiritual Kingdom begins the moment you are born again of the water and Holy Spirit. It is your first taste of what Heaven has for you.

The Kingdom of God is here right now, and for those who die in Christ, shall be theirs to experience for eternity.