Blog 3

The Bible is written in the context of a kingdom. Only when you read, study, and pray over the Bible for understanding of the Kingdom of God will it fully come together. It makes complete sense from the perspective of the Kingdom of God. God is King. He is King of kings, and LORD of lords. God was King prior to creation as chronicled from Genesis 1:1 and on.

When God made the first man Adam, He gave him dominion over the fish, fowl, creeping things, and even over the earth. Dominion is a kingdom word. Among other things, it also means “to reign over”. In the New Testament, the entire message of Jesus focused on the Kingdom of God. Jesus even announced Himself as the King of His Kingdom which is not of this world. He is King Jesus!

As the late Rev. Myles Munroe said, “The Bible is a book about a King, His Kingdom, and His royal family.”
It is from that unique perspective that is presented.

I am Dr. Fred Childs, your host. The presentations in the series, “Understanding the Kingdom of God”, are written from the viewpoint of a Kingdom perspective. We are earnestly interested in understanding God’s Kingdom and how it works and relates to His children. I have chosen not to present this series from the stance of my church or any religious organization. There is an abundance of materials available to promote such views, and I am not using this platform to be redundant. Of course, I will include truths as I understand them; but I can at best only encourage you to watch, listen, read, and then do your own research, prayer, and study. It is up to everyone to search for and understand the truth.

My focus is on understanding the Kingdom of God. It is a spiritual reality, and must be “seen”, or understood, and experienced, through the Spirit of God. It is a marvelous journey of discovery, and one that I hope you truly enjoy. Listen, watch, read, glean, and enjoy. There is no debate, for I don’t have the time nor interests for such. Hopefully individuals can use the seeds presented here and discover the truth on your own. Your journey with God will be magnified as you begin to comprehend and experience the Biblical Kingdom of God.

May God bless you today and every day.