Blog 4 – Think Kingdom

We must learn to think differently about the Kingdom of God. As born-again believers, we are in the Kingdom now. Think Kingdom!

The Kingdom of God is in us. We are citizens of the Kingdom of God. We are in the world, but we are not of the world. Our hearts and thoughts must be in Heaven. Everything we do must be with a Kingdom mindset.

Our thoughts should be such as:
– What would King Jesus have me do?
– How would this be in Heaven?
– Am I aligned with Scripture?
– Would I do this if Jesus were standing beside me?
– Am I representing Heaven as an ambassador with my actions?
– Has God told me to do this?
– Has God told me not to do this?
– Have I prayed about this?
– Will this shed a positive or negative light on the Kingdom?

Our mind must be renewed to have the mind of Christ. The will of God trumps our will. It is for reasons such as this that we must walk in the Spirit and be led by the Spirit. The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.

The lessons in the “Understanding the Kingdom of God Series” at are akin to exercising. One doesn’t expect to gain muscle mass, strength, coordination, and every other benefit of an exercise regimen on the first day. Those things come with consistency. So also does understanding the Kingdom of God come with consistent searching, and study. By little and by little your mind will transform to understand the Kingdom as you listen to these sequential lessons.

Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. I encourage you to listen to and think about the things taught in these life-changing lessons. Your relationship and effectiveness in God will mature as you operate more and more by the principles of God’s Kingdom. Pray for us to effectively produce the hundreds of videos before us. We also have many materials yet to be published and to be made available.

Consider partnering with me with donations and/or sponsorship. We must spread an understanding of the Kingdom of God around the world. Think Kingdom!
Pray for us!

Dr. Fred Childs