Blog 6 – Permission of the King

The Bible is replete with principles of the Kingdom of God. Why shouldn’t it be, for after all as the late Rev. Myles Munroe said, “It is a book about a King, His Kingdom, and His Royal Family”. 

A great example is found in Matthew chapter 8. A Roman centurion comes to Jesus on behalf of a beloved servant. He tells Jesus that the servant is at home sick of the palsy, and grievously tormented. Upon hearing these words Jesus tells the centurion that He will come and heal him. 

One would think the centurion would have been delighted. Instead, he manifested amazing honor and respect to Jesus. He replied, “I am not worthy of someone such as You coming to my house. If you will just speak the Word only, my servant will be healed.”

Then the centurion justified his reasoning. He continued, “I am a man under authority, and I have soldiers also under me. If I tell one of them to go and do something, he will do it.”

The Bible says, “When Jesus heard it, he marvelled, and said unto them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.” (Mt. 8:10)

Jesus then told the centurion to go home, and just as he believed, his servant would be healed. It was so. 

In the Kingdom of God, King Jesus has all authority. Whenever the King tells anyone to do anything, they have permission to do what He says. 

This truth is simply profound. It is not authority and power we should be seeking, but permission of the King. Whatever the King tells you to do, then your role is to obey. That faith releases God’s authority and power. God will then do what He said He would do. 

Seek permission from the King. 

Dr. Fred Childs
