Blog 8 – Learning About the Kingdom of God

A couple of ladies knocked on my door the other day. They wanted to introduce me to the Kingdom. We had a good conversation, but they left with their heads spinning with many questions they had not pondered before. 

They were trying to introduce me to Jehovah and His Kingdom yet to come. Instead, I revealed to them who Jehovah is and that I am in His Kingdom now! It was not a debate, but it was a revealing. I let them know the Kingdom of God is real, now, and they could enter it by being born-again. Of course, I also had to tell them how to be born-again. 

I planted a seed. is a seed. We sew the seed, but it is up to everyone to learn about the Kingdom of God. It is an individual journey. 

It is possible for a Christian to love God and His Word, but still not understand the Kingdom of God. 

It is possible for a Christian to go to church, but still not understand the Kingdom of God. 

But it is impossible to fully participate in the Kingdom of God if you do not understand what it is or how it operates. At best you would live far below our privileges. 

If you have a hunger and thirst to understand the Kingdom of God, join us online. It is a vast Kingdom, and each lesson will reveal more of its reality and truth. You are invited.

God bless you!

Dr. Fred Childs
