“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 11, Part 2 – Colonization

In Part 2 of the 3 Part Series on Colonization. Dr. Fred Childs begins by discussing taxation from a kingdom perspective. This enables the listener to better understand the concept of tithe and offerings.

In a kingdom, everything belongs to the king. The sovereign owns everything that is yours. It might be considered yours until the Lord has need of it. The word Lord signifies the owner in a kingdom sense.

The emphasis is on the Kingdom. The earth is the Lord’s and the fulness thereof and all who dwell therein.

The Bible is not about religion. The Bible is about God’s Kingdom. In His Kingdom, it is the King’s good pleasure to provide for His children. Everyone in God’s Kingdom are His children. We are to seek the will of the King first in everything we do. As we do so the King shall supply all our needs.