“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 11, Part 3 – Colonization

The first Kingdom in existence is the Kingdom of Heaven. Heaven is more real than earth.

This lesson uses an allegory taught by the late Rev. Myles Munroe of Jamaica. He used Jamaica as an example of a colony.

Jamaica was a colony of England for over 200 years. It is 2000 miles away from the kingdom that ruled it. Even though they were so distant and remote, they became very British in language, education, governance, and customs.  

Using Jamaica as a powerful metaphor, when Jesus comes into your life and becomes your King, He takes away your past and gives you Heaven’s future.

Our King’s culture must permeate our cultures until we only have His culture. Our language, customs, conduct, and everything else must become reflective of Heaven’s culture. We must be like King Jesus.

The Kingdom of Heaven is compared to yeast. Once yeast is in the dough, it influences and impacts the whole lump. In a similar fashion, we must spread the Gospel and culture of the Kingdom of God throughout the earth.