“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 12 – Covenant

When God established covenant with mankind He considered man’s obedience to the covenant. Whatever condition was in Heaven, that condition would be brought to this earth. When God created man and placed him in the garden, He intended for man to be dependent upon Him for the knowledge of right and wrong. If man had been obedient and eaten of the Tree of Life, they would have received life. Adam and Eve yielded to the deception of Satan. They disobeyed and ate of the Tree 0f Knowledge of Good and Evil. In succumbing to Satan’s ploy, they broke covenant and came out from under God’s order. This rebellion cost man his dominion of the earth and his right to represent Heaven on earth. Had man been obedient to the covenant, God’s Kingdom and will would have been sustained on earth the same way it was and is in Heaven.

Wherever God’s will and covenant is received and obeyed, you will find the Kingdom.

Jesus came as the second Adam. He established the new covenant in His redeeming blood. He regained what Adam had lost and now imparts it again through the new birth experience. He has restored dominion to His people.