“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 13, Part 3 – The Beautiful Plan of Salvation

In Acts chapter 8 Phillip the evangelist was preaching a great revival in the city of Samaria. From there he was led of the Spirit to go to the desert where he came across a chariot.

An Ethiopian eunuch of great authority under Queen Candace was in the chariot and reading from the Book of Isaiah. Phillip joined him and explained the writings to him. When they saw a body of water the eunuch requested to be baptized. It was so done.

Other examples of the new birth conversions and experiences are discussed, including that of Saul of Tarsus. Saul became the apostle, Paul.

Later, the conversion of a gentile named Cornelius is discussed. He and all his house were saved as the apostle Peter preached Jesus unto them.

All preached and taught the same Acts 2:38 new covenant new birth experience.