Blog 11 – Why You Should Equip the Church to Understand the Kingdom

The Kingdom of God is very real. God’s Kingdom is eternal and spiritual. However, it extends into this physical earth through God’s children. All of God’s children are born-again, Holy Spirit-filled people. As Jesus said in Luke 17:21, “The Kingdom of God is within you.” 

There are numerous reasons why every church should train and equip its people to understand and operate in God’s Kingdom. The following are just a few reasons why it is vitally important. 

  1. People will not understand the Kingdom of God simply because they are born-again. 
  2. People will not understand how to operate in the Kingdom of their Lord. Being a Christian does not automatically equate to living a Kingdom lifestyle. 
  3. There has been an abundance of false teaching in Christendom. 

The false teachings of the Kingdom of God abound. Some are obvious, and some are not. 

Many end time teachings contradict or oppose Kingdom truths. One may never uncover those doctrinal errors unless they study and understand how the Kingdom of God operates through His people. 

Certain religious groups and renowned ministers have warped Kingdom truths. Some even say there won’t be a Heaven, and everything will be on earth as God’s Kingdom is located here. That simply isn’t true. Other’s say God’s Kingdom mercy and grace means no one will be lost. That also is not true. Sadly, people will be lost. Many falsehoods are taught by deceivers as truth. 

The purpose of is to sort through the confusion caused by the religious doctrines of men, and to discover the treasures of truth as plainly stated in the Bible. 

I implore you to study the Kingdom of God along with our video lessons as an individual, family, small group, or church family. It is amazing! 

Dr. Fred Childs
