“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 13, Part 4 – The Beautiful Plan of Salvation

Teaching on “The Beautiful Plan of Salvation” continues and concludes in this last video segment of this 4-Part Series.

The apostle, Paul, came across certain disciples of John Baptist in Acts 19. After explaining the Gospel to them, He rebaptized them in the Name of Jesus Christ and each of them received the gift of the Holy Ghost and began to speak in other tongues.  

This lesson continues to expound on many scriptural truths about the New Testament Covenant. One thing becomes crystal clear and that is the Beautiful Plan of Salvation is consistent. Man has devised various substitutes and formulae for his version of salvation, but the only correct way is that which is clearly validated by the Word of God.

The four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were about the birth, life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But the New Covenant was not in effect in those books. There had to first be the death of the testator.

The new covenant began in Acts chapter 2 on the Day of Pentecost. The Book of Acts is the only book in the Bible that had no ending. It continues unchanged today. The epistles (Books of the Bible from Romans to Revelation) are written to admonish those churches who had the Acts 2:38 experience.