“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 20, part 1 – Are We Born Again or Begotten?

One does not have to have a thorough understanding of the “born again” doctrine in order to be saved, however, being born again is essential in order to be saved. Being born again is a spiritual event. Before we are born again, we are alive but not connected spiritually to God. When we are born again God places His Holy Spirit within us, and our spirit is connected to God, and an entirely new chapter of life is opened to us. Our spirit is reborn. We become one with God. We become a son or daughter of God. A Christian is not merely biologically begotten but born, for there is not such thing as a non-born again Christian. God perceives a person as spiritually dead before they are born again. Being born again thus begins a convert’s progress toward his transformation into Christ’s image and living in the Kingdom of God for all eternity.