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“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 31, Part 1 – Bridging the Spiritual and Natural Realms

This is a crucial series because being born-again not only grants citizenship into the spiritual Kingdom of God, but also opens access to the realm of the Spirit of God. The Heaven that became closed to Adam because of sin and rebellion, is opened once again because of righteousness and obedience.

Having access to God’s Kingdom and knowing how to access it are not synonymous.

This first lesson in a three-part series exposes the participant to the reality of going in and out of the presence of the King of Glory.

Many Christians live far below their privileges. Through Jesus Christ, there is no divide. Although Heaven is a spiritual Kingdom that is an invisible dimension to the physical man, it is accessible, real, and made available to the spiritual man.

Dr. Fred Childs, your Biblical Kingdom host, wants you to know this is a series to glean from and put into continuous practice.