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“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 32 – Permission

In this lesson, Dr. Fred Childs explains “Permission” from a Kingdom perspective. You have permission to represent the King of Glory on earth as an ambassador.

You have permission to enter into the Spirit realm and heavenly places, have the mind of God imparted to you, and speak into the natural realm things that are not as though they were.

There is an authority that comes down from the invisible Heaven to the born-again believer. You have permission to use God’s Word in alignment with His will. His people are empowered to preach the gospel of the Kingdom around the world with signs following.

When the King gives you permission to go and do something in His Kingdom, you are both empowered and expected to do it. You do not disobey the King.

Permission is never to be abused. You act in place of the King. No one has any right to violate the King’s authority. As a Kingdom citizen and ambassador, you are entrusted with the King’s permission to do the things He tells you to do. You must therefore be led by His Spirit and Word.