row of barriers on empty track

“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 33, Part 2 – Common Church Growth Barriers

Although the Kingdom of God is the main thing, or the big picture for eternity, the local church is a very essential part of God’s Kingdom operation on the earth. The Kingdom itself is 100% spiritual. However, God places His Holy Spirit in true believers who obey the plan of salvation and continue in His ways.

The Kingdom of God is within you if you live in proper relationship with God on this earth. Eventually and eternally the saved shall be with God in Heaven.

The Church is the Body of Christ. God works through His people. God’s people often gather in local churches to worship, and therefore the local church is very important.

Anyone who has ever led a church understands that growth has many barriers. In this 2-part series Dr. Fred Childs reveals that most common church growth barriers are because of the secular structures, programs, and processes used as if church was a typical business organization. Herein lies the source of most every church growth barrier and issue.

Our focus as born-again believers should be on the Kingdom of God. If our focus is on understanding, teaching, and expanding the Kingdom of God through Biblical principles most traditional church growth barriers are eliminated. If we seek first the Kingdom, then all of these other things shall be added unto us.