man in green overall smoking while fixing fishing net in old blue boat

Blog 20 – Unclutter the Clutter

The Kingdom of God is not confusing. It is, in my humble opinion, the simplest way to comprehend God and His purpose. 

Religion has complicated things. Too many views, opinions, denominational barriers, egos, and such have cluttered things so much that it is difficult to find the truth. If you ask, “Who has the truth?”, everyone says, “I do.” Mankind has made the things of God appear to be so complicated. So cluttered.

It is time to unclutter the clutter. 

Sometimes before we can learn we have to first unlearn. We may need to get some teachings, paradigms, religious beliefs, and other such out of our head before God can input His truth in us. 

It was that way with me when I first began to seek understanding of the Kingdom of God. Some of the things that stood in the way of my understanding were things I already thought I knew. Eschatology was one of my biggest hindrances. 

I have a pretty vast library of books. I’m not an E-Book guy. I like to hold a book in my hand when I read. However, virtually every book or commentary I own was written by someone who did not comprehend the concepts of the Kingdom of God. 

How could they teach what they did not know? 

Therefore, I turned to the Word of God. I knew Jesus has the answers. On I share much of my journey of discovery with you. 

Let’s view the Kingdom of God in a few simple bullet points:

  • God was God before anything invisible or visible was made. 
  • God created His invisible Kingdom first. He is the penultimate King,
  • God later expanded His territory and created everything in the visible realm. 
  • God created Adam and gave him dominion on the earth. Adam was the first king. God is King of kings.
  • The laws of the Kingdom of God come from the mouth of the King. 
  • Adam was to order the earth according to God’s law. 
  • God put Adam into a deep sleep and created Eve from his rib. Eve was his wife. 
  • Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Life. Life and love came from God. 
  • Adam and Eve sinned against God. As a result, they forfeited relationship with God’s presence. They no longer had eternal life. Curses came. Death came. 
  • God made a covenant with man. The Old Testament details it. It speaks of a coming Messiah and a new covenant. 
  • Only God could redeem fallen man. Jesus Christ came. He was God manifest in flesh. He 100% fulfilled the old covenant. Nothing was left undone. 
  • His death, burial, and resurrection made the old covenant obsolete. 
  • The new covenant came to be on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2. 
  • Jesus is called the second Adam. He regained the covenant and dominion that the first Adam lost. 
  • Eve was called the mother of all living. The Church is the bride of the second Adam. All who are alive in Christ come forth through the Bride of Christ.
  • There are only two covenants, the old and the new. Believers are in the new. 

To enter the new covenant, you must be born-again of the water and of the Spirit. The water places us into the Kingdom, and the Holy Spirit places the Kingdom in us. If you have been born-again, you are in the Kingdom of God now. 

There will never be another covenant. The Kingdom of God is eternal. 

Sound simple? It is. Unclutter the clutter.