a woman meditating while raising her arms

“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 35 – Concerning Spiritual Gifts

In this essential lesson Dr. Fred Childs discusses the nine gifts of the Spirit as mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:4-11. To properly understand and teach on these spiritual gifts, one must first have experienced receiving the wonderful Gift of the Holy Ghost (Spirit). The gifts emanate from God’s Holy Spirit, and anyone not having received such an experience cannot fully comprehend or explain it.

Spiritual gifts operate through those born-again believers who yield to the Holy Ghost and as God chooses and uses them. They should operate fluently in a healthy and mature Church.

There is a tremendous need for teaching today on spiritual gifts. By and large they are largely misused, abused, and ignored by too many ministers and Churches. Equally sad is the fact that many who are used in spiritual gifts develop an attitude of superiority. This is a shame.

Spiritual gifts do not operate out of alignment with God’s WORD.

Spiritual gifts should thrive and be fluent in every healthy Church of born-again believers. Before we discuss the value and purpose of spiritual gifts to the Kingdom of God, we will first present a very brief definition of each.

All spiritual gifts come from the invisible realm of the Kingdom of God to the believer. None of the nine spiritual gifts are natural or learned gifts that come forth from the physical individual. Each is a spiritual gift of the Holy Ghost. If a gift is operated by anyone who is not Holy Ghost filled it is not genuine or biblically correct.

Spiritual gifts enable believers to conduct Kingdom ministry.