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“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 36 – Dead Men and Their Ideas

Everything begins with a thought. When thoughts are meditated on they become ideas. Ideas occur before creation occurs. Everything you see represents an idea. Ideas control the world. It may sound strange, but the world is controlled by the ideas of dead men. If you consider the telephone, the automobile, the airplane, the computer, electrical power, government, air conditioning, sonar, space flight, intercontinental ballistic missiles, the iPhone, or the iPad; the originators of these ideas are all dead now, but their ideas live on. Ideas control the world.

Democracy was an idea created by men like Aristotle, Socrates, and Plato. Lenin and Marx created communism as an idea. All these men are dead now but in a very real sense they rule the world from their grave. Some ideas live on long after the originator.

Similarly, the Kingdom of God is ruled by the ideas and concepts of its King. The difference is, He still lives! He is still King! The Originator of the Kingdom will reign forever. It is the everlasting Kingdom that has no end!

Jesus is the King. He lives forevermore!