brown bridge on green grass field near mountain

“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 38 – The Kingdom Is

The Kingdom of God is. It is a very present reality. It is past, present, and future. It is eternal.

The importance of this lesson is to assure born-again believers that they do not have to wait for a future Kingdom to come. There is no delay where after the end Jesus returns to earth to establish a throne and kingdom and rule and reign for 1000 years.

Jesus already rules and reigns. He has put Satan under His feet. Jesus already sits on the throne in Heaven. He doesn’t have to come to earth again and set up an earthly Kingdom that ultimately fails.

His government and Kingdom shall have no end. His Kingdom existed in the old covenant, His Kingdom exist now in the New Covenant thanks to the sacrifice and victory of the LORD Jesus Christ. His Kingdom shall be in the future forevermore.

Born=again believers are in the Kingdom of God now. When this life is over, we shall forever be in the eternal Kingdom of God in Heaven.