glory to god book

“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 39 – Declaring the Glory of God

There is an inherent flaw within the institutions of man. Whether it is a government, a large company or corporation, a religious organization or institution, or a local church; each reflects the character, nature, and authority of its founder (s). Man, even at his best, falls short of the glory of God.

This lesson is contrary to such. It is about the Kingdom of God. It reflects the character, nature, and authority of its King. The Kingdom of Heaven shows the Glory of God. It must reflect His Glory. The Kingdom of God is never about us, or the glory of any individual, but always about the Glory of God.

There are carnal attributes that reflect the competitive nature of fallen man. We must guard against such. To the contrary, we must each be about our Father’s business. Doing His will must be our priority. Seeking first the Kingdom of God should be our daily mission.

With meekness let us prefer one another, and provoke one another unto good works. We exist to declare the Glory of God.