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“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 40 – The Kingdom Produces Certain Attributes

Mankind’s religious tendency has generated the creation of many denominations and religious sects. A little known fact among professing Christians is that the Kingdom of God is neither a religion nor a denomination. Those terms are not synonymous with the Kingdom of God. The moment what is meant to be the Kingdom of God becomes confined by denominational or religious boundaries it immediately steps outside the concept of and ceases to be a Kingdom.

As citizens of the Kingdom, we do not have a certifying document, such as a birth certificate, to identify us as citizens of Heaven. Our birth into the Kingdom is experiential. Our entry is spiritual. The records are spiritual, as is the Lamb’s Book of Life. We are recognized as Kingdom citizens by the fruit we produce. The Kingdom of God produces a citizenry who live victorious lives. These Kingdom citizens manifest its fruit of righteousness, peace and joy. Wherever King Jesus reigns, these attributes and qualities abound. Since Jesus is reigning now, one can quickly discern in a Church whether these qualities are found and discern whether it is a Kingdom Church. The same applies to individuals.

Righteousness is being right or just and in alignment with Kingdom authority. Right actions and thinking produce righteousness. It has nothing to do with Church membership or affiliation. We are in a relationship with our King, and whenever that relationship is right our earthly relationships will reflect the same. We will love as God loves (as much as humanly possible).

People who live by Kingdom principles will manifest Kingdom characteristics. There will be peace and harmony in relationships within the local Church and between Churches. There cannot be anything less than harmonious relationships within God’s Kingdom.

The citizens of God do not have division, rivalry, animosity or any other such thing between them. If they do, they must repent and ask forgiveness. We must manifest peace, love, joy and gladness.

The Kingdom’s citizenry simply loves one another. This is the Kingdom culture. It’s simply not optional. God is love and we must manifest the attributes of our King. John 13:34-35 says,

The fruit of the Kingdom emanates from the Spirit of God. We all share of the same Spirit. His Spirit does not have Lordship over us until we lay down our carnal nature and pick up and manifest the fruit of His nature, which is spoken of in Galatians 5:22-25.

It is a contradiction to God’s Kingdom for His children to gossip, spread rumors, bring false accusation, belittle, abuse, or mistreat others.

God’s children manifest God’s attributes. It becomes easy to discern what is and is not like God. We have His Word and Holy Spirit to lead, guide, and instruct us into all truth (John 16:13).

Even your sermons reveal your attributes as Godly or not.

The adage is still true that says, “Don’t tell me you are a Christian, but show me.” It really is accurate to say that the only Bible most people read is the one you reveal to them through your attributes.