
“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 41, Part 1 – Kingdom of Concepts

The Kingdom of God is a concept of the mind of God and the creation of the Word of God. It is the everlasting Kingdom. It has the eternal King.

When God established His Kingdom, He established every concept of the Kingdom with it. Those concepts are true and eternal. Understanding the Kingdom’s concepts helps us on earth to be in proper alignment with the way God operates.

In Part 1 we discuss two Kingdom concepts. The first is the Concept of a King. It is a powerful revelation of what a king is. Every kingdom is centered around the person of the king. The Kingdom of God is centered around King Jesus.

The second is the Concept of a Constitution. The Constitution can only come from the mouth of the King. It is unalterable by anyone other than the King.

The Bible is our Kingdom constitution. We must seek to understand it and to discover the many keys that open spiritual doors. Understanding the King’s constitution, and properly applying it to situations, open opportunities for the King to bless His people.