green leafed trees during fog time

“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 41, Part 2 – Kingdom of Concepts

In Part 2 of this three-part series, we discuss the Concept of the King’s Birthright. Kings are never voted into position but are born into position by birthright. Birthright is vitally important.

Kings are not appointed, but they may appoint others to any position that pleases the king. Everyone who is born into the Kingdom of God has a birthright.

In the Old Testament birthright was of great importance. It entitled one to their inheritance. Birthright in the Kingdom of God entitles on to their inheritance from the King.

In this lesson we also discover the Concept of the King and His Priority. In the Kingdom of God, the priority of the King is always His Kingdom. His priority is the Kingdom.

Everything we do in life, literally everything, should be with what is best for God’s Kingdom in mind.