silhouette of tree near body of water during golden hour

“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 41, Part 3 – Kingdom of Concepts

In the conclusion of this three-part series, we discuss the Concept of Kingdom Alignment. In the Kingdom of God everything aligns with the will and constitution of the King. As the Kingdom aligns itself and prospers, the King offers blessings in return.

Jesus said clearly that His Kingdom priority is two things:

  1. Seek ye first the Kingdom.
  2. Seek His righteousness.

We also discuss the Concept of the King as the Source. The King is the source of the Kingdom. There can be no kingdom without a reigning monarch. The monarch (LORD) owns everything in the Kingdom. The King is the source of all provision, blessings, and protection.

Understanding the Kingdom concepts presented in this three-part series is a vital part of the foundation for Understanding the Kingdom of God.