worms eye view of spiral stained glass decors through the roof

“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 42 – Knowing the King Establishes Freedom

There is no bondage in the Kingdom of God. Everything in God’s Kingdom is an environment of the King’s presence, liberty, freedom, peace, and love.

The Kingdom is built around its center, which is its King. We enter His Kingdom when we are born again. Freedom begins with repentance and remission of sins. Freedom begins with the release from sin, but it doesn’t end there. True freedom comes through discovering, understanding, and applying the truths and the principles of the King’s Word (Law).

Knowing the truth is not synonymous with freedom, but it can and should lead to freedom. Freedom comes when understanding impacts our actions and reactions. Freedom equates to liberty. Liberty comes when you investigate the Kingdom laws and principles, internalize, and apply them as your own.

The goal of the Christian must go beyond going to Heaven. The primary priority of every child of God should be to know the King. The greater your understanding and relationship with the King is, the easier it is to replace your will with His will. His priorities become your priorities. His thoughts become your thoughts.

Knowing the King opens the door to the King’s blessings. Knowing the King establishes freedom.