white clouds with sun piercing through it

“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 43 – Kingdom Government

A Kingdom is a government ruled by the influence of a King over his territory. The King impacts his territory with his will, his purpose, and his intent. He implements his culture that reflects his name. The Kingdom produces a citizenry of people who reflect the King’s culture and manifest his nature.

The Kingdom is not a religion. Unfortunately, we have reduced the Bible to a religion. Sadly, most Christians speak of the Kingdom of God in religious terms because they think of it only as a religious concept. They speak of it as something mysterious or yet to come but not as though it applies to them.

The Kingdom of God is real and it does apply now. It applies whether someone understands it or not. The Kingdom of God is not “on or off again” at the whims of people. It is always “on” at the will of the King. Since the King of the Kingdom of God is eternal then His is an eternal Kingdom.

A Kingdom is not a democracy or republic. As an example, the Bible is in perilous hands any time it is picked up by someone in the Western world. It is in peril because Western thinking will superimpose cultural experiences upon the book. In the Western world, your culture is that of a democracy. Your culture will cause your thinking to filter the book through a democratic lens or point of view and you will see through a glass darkly. In reality, the Bible is not about democracy but is actually contrary to democracy. The Bible is about the Kingdom of God in Heaven and on earth.

The Kingdom of Heaven is not a republic. That means there is no president in the Kingdom. A Kingdom is the governing influence of a King and not a president. It is the King’s territory, impacted by his will, purpose and intent. The culture reflects the King and his name.

A Kingdom is affected by the mind of the King and is not legislated by the will of the people or their legislation.

In a Kingdom you submit your cultural identity to that of the Kingdom and the Kingdom’s culture becomes your culture. Most people reject a Kingdom lifestyle and culture by choosing instead to conform their experience with God to their culture. This identifies the disconnect point for most people and reveals why we do not experience the Kingdom’s bountiful blessings and benefits in our daily lives. We must surrender our culture and conform to the Kingdom’s culture. We are to come out from among them and be separate unto God.

Join me as your host, Dr. Fred Childs, as we discuss the topic of Kingdom Government in Lesson 43 in the series Understanding the Kingdom of God.