gray mountain under gloomy sky

“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 44 – Adam

God created Adam and then placed him in the Garden of Eden. Eden was not a physical location, but it was a place of order. It was the spot where the presence of God was. Eden was more than a beautiful garden; it was an environment or atmosphere.

Of course, there were flowers and plants there, but what made it special was God’s presence. The first gift God gave Adam was His presence. There Adam could walk and talk to God. That was God’s plan. Adam was to keep and dress the Garden using the same principles and laws that existed in the invisible Kingdom of Heaven.

When Adam sinned God simply withdrew His presence. That was the gulf that was fixed between God and man. The gulf was the absence of God. Once separated from the presence of God sickness, disease, and death came upon man. There was no open fellowship with God.

When Jesus Christ came to seek and to save that which was lost it was the presence of God that had been lost. Jesus renewed the Divine connection. When God places His Holy Spirit into a born-again believer it is the restoration of God’s presence.

Born-again believers walk in Eden because the presence of God is within them. The only difference is that God placed Adam in His presence, but ever since the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2 He places His presence in the born-again believer.

This incredible lesson discusses Adam, Jesus the Second Adam, and the role of the born-again believer. You don’t want to miss the revelation contained in this lesson.