crucifix illustration

“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 45 – Governmental Order

Jesus Christ is the King of the Kingdom of God. He is the Head. He is sovereign. In His invisible Kingdom of Glory there is perfect order. It is perfect as only a true divine Creator could design it. Within its operations are an innumerable number of angels who serve God faithfully according to their purpose and His intent.

The invisible Kingdom of God is extended into the visible realm of the earth. For true believers, who are Kingdom citizens, there is no higher order than the governmental order of the Kingdom of God.

The Kingdom reigns over the Church. Church government falls under the domain of the Kingdom of God. Other levels of government include the family, and civil government. The following order is not hierarchical, but each are levels of governments under the Kingdom of God.

  1. The Kingdom of God
  2. The Church
  3. The Family
  4. Civil government

Whenever that order is altered and any of the others exert authority over the Kingdom of God the result will be chaos. Dysfunction will surface. Churches, families, and governments will become dysfunctional.

In the demonic realm there is order as well. Satan rules over a very ordered Kingdom of darkness and evil. Darkness and evil is the absence of God’s light. He seeks to control the governments of the Church, nations, provinces, cities, towns, and families. When the proper order is in place, the Kingdom of God is at the top and Satan’s Kingdom is at the bottom of the list. God alone has all power. Jesus has all power in Heaven and in earth (Matthew 28:18). Satan and His Kingdom fall under the authority of all other properly aligned Kingdoms.

  1. The Kingdom of God
  2. The Church
  3. The Family
  4. Civil government
  5. The Kingdom of darkness (is always at the bottom)