scenic view of beach during dawn

“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 46 – Kingdom Against Kingdom

God’s people are on the winning side. The end was declared from the beginning. Good wins and evil loses. Regardless of the way things may appear, God is beyond challenge. God is too holy to ever have an opposite. Nothing is worthy of being compared to God in any manner, even as His opposite.

However, we are born-again into the spiritual Kingdom of God. What a glorious privilege and blessing that is. I am thankful to be in God’s Kingdom, as we all should be.

But God’s Kingdom, although it is the penultimate Kingdom, is not the only one. Other kingdoms exist, or at least they will until God ends all others.

The evil kingdom of darkness is contrary to the good Kingdom of Light. Darkness is the absence of light. Evil is the absence of God.

Satan and his demonic realm resist all truth as revealed by God’s Word. All our lives we are resisted by our adversary the devil. Because he hates anything to do with our King. Therefore, we are involved in a conflict. It will end only when God ends it. Satan and his fallen angels will be cast into the lake of fire. It will also end for each born-again believer at the point of physical death. We shall forever be with the Lord afterward.

Until then there is a conflict. It is spiritual and involves the physical. It is Kingdom against kingdom.