cityscape with st pauls cathedral

“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 50 – Religion is a Counterfeit

The Kingdom of God is a spiritual Kingdom, but it is not a religious kingdom. Religion is not a concept of God, nor is it a part of the culture of the Kingdom of God. Religion is a concept of man. It originated with the serpent in the Garden and is often influenced by the demonic realm.

Jesus was not a religious man. He was a Kingdom man. His abusers and accusers were religious men. Those who persecuted and killed him and persecuted the early Church were religious men.

The devil is a liar, and the father of lies. The truth is not in him. Lucifer, when he was in Heaven, somehow deceived a third of the angels into following him. He wanted to ascend and be like God. Although that was never a possibility, he still deceived the angels. That is what religion does. It tries to redirect attention and worship that belongs only to God. Religion is a substitute for God’s Word of truth and plan. Religion, at best, is a distortion of truth.

Religion is counterfeit. Religion produces a system. A Kingdom produces a culture. Religion is not a part of the Kingdom nor its culture.

In this lesson Dr. Fred Childs discusses the differences between the Kingdom of God and religion.