human standing beside crucifix statue on mountain

“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 51 – Religion is Bondage

The Gospel of the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ is beautiful. Titus 2:10 tells us to adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in all things. The Gospel should be presented in such a beautiful manner that it draws people to the love of God.

It stands in stark contrast to the religions of men. Men can be very evil and hide it under the cloak of religion. Throughout history time has proven again and again that religion is bondage.

Sinners were never Jesus’ main opposition. The number one opposition of Jesus Christ on earth was religion. Religious people resisted Him then, and they still do today. Man’s religion is vain.

There are many religions in the world. Among them are satanism, atheism, and other such. When atheist declare they do not believe in God, they are declaring their belief system It is their religion. Religions resist the Kingdom of God.

Jesus never condemned or damned sinners, but He did it to religious people.

In this lesson Dr. Fred Childs discusses the differences between the Kingdom of God and religion.