grayscale photo of the crucifix

“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 52 – Jesus Christ was not a Religious Man

If you ever wanted to be a religious man like Jesus, quit trying. Jesus Christ was never religious. He was not a religious man. Jesus was a Kingdom man. The Kingdom of God is not a religious kingdom.

Jesus was never a religious man like Paul was prior to his conversion when he was known as Saul of Tarsus. Paul referred to his pre-Kingdom religious status when he said of Himself in Acts 26:5, “after the most straitest sect of our religion I lived a Pharisee.”

Anything that keeps you out of the Kingdom of God is anti-God or anti-Christ. Teaching and preaching must open the Kingdom of God to people so they might possess it. The Gospel is not merely a salvation experience or message. The Kingdom message includes the salvation experience but also moves forward into the things of the Kingdom made available to the born-again children of God.

Jesus never joined a religious group. He never became a part of the Sanhedrin council.

In this lesson Dr. Fred Childs discusses the differences between the Kingdom of God and religion.