river between trees

“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 54 – The Kingdom is not Operated by Emotion

Anyone in Church leadership can attest that religious members often function based on emotion. Members complain, cry out to God, get all worked up, pitch tantrums, act less than Christian at times — and seldom get answers. God seems aloof, unresponsive, +and unconcerned to them, and rightfully so. God is not moved or obligated by the strength of our emotions. The fact is our emotions can separate us from God.

Most people’s prayers are not being answered because they believe if they get emotional enough, God will feel sorry for them or yield to their demands. The reality is God cannot be held hostage to our emotional demands. Conversely, we can be held hostage by our own absurd demands and emotions.

Healing, results, and answers to prayer do not happen because God feels sorry for you. They are received by appropriately applying the principles of the Word of God and faith to a circumstance at the right time.