scenic view of beach during dawn

“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 57 – Who are You in the Kingdom?

A great hindrance facing Christians today is identity crisis. Christians really do not know who they already are. An essential key to understanding the Kingdom is identifying who you are in the Kingdom.

Born-again people are citizens of God’s Kingdom now. Satan knows the power of God’s Kingdom and fears it. As a deceiver, he wants to keep you from understanding exactly who you already are. He wants you to believe you must die and go to Heaven to reap the joy of God’s Kingdom.

Adam and Eve fell for Satan’s lie and deception. He deceived them into denying their identity. She and Adam were already made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26,27). They already had dominion in the earth. They were monarchs. Satan simply told her she was not what God had already told them they were. Unfortunately, Adam and Eve believed Satan’s word over God’s. They forfeited their position because of an altered understanding of God’s Word, because their flawed understanding produced the action of disobedience and rebellion against God.

Today, Satan tells born-again believers they aren’t yet Kings and priests unto God. You are already Kings and priests unto God. We are made Kings and priests now, prior to the return of Jesus Christ.

We are God’s sons and daughters from the moment we are born-again into His Kingdom.

We must accept who we are in the Kingdom of God to be effective for the Kingdom.