close up shot of a crucifix

“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 59 – More on Government

In the Kingdom of God, citizens belong to the King and the King has a government. The government is established upon the foundation of the King. The government is as strong and secure as its King, and vice versa, for they are inseparable.

Dr. Fred Childs discusses this essential topic in this riveting session.

The Kingdom is a government ruled by the influence of its King over His territory. The King impacts His territory with His will, his purpose, and His intent. He implements His culture which reflects His name. The Kingdom produces a citizenry of people who reflect the King’s culture and manifest his nature.

The Kingdom is a citizenry taking on the King’s nature and culture, so they begin to show His glory.

The concept by which the Bible was written is about a King, His Kingdom, and His royal family.

A Kingdom is a government, not a religion.