grayscale photography of people worshiping

Blog 23 Worship from a Kingdom Perspective

Have you ever experienced the following scenarios?

The first is in a small church that isn’t overflowing with musical talent. A few children are
playing, people are talking, and the time comes to begin the service. The pastor walks to the
pulpit and announces, “Praise the Lord everyone. We have come here tonight to worship
the LORD.” Withing moments everyone begins to sing together, even if it doesn’t blend well.
Two or more songs occur and now a few people are beginning to, “feel it”.
The second is a church of 400 with a very talented music ministry team. Five minutes prior
to service the practice didn’t go well. The Music Minister is agitated and reminds everyone
that practice and punctuality are essential. Due to time restraints, they pray a quick prayer
before exiting to go to the platform. The countdown clock strikes zero and the smiles and
music begin. The music minister hits a note, and exuberantly says, “Praise God everyone.
Aren’t we glad to gather to worship God tonight!” The music begins. After all, that is his or
her job.

Do you really think either is a true manifestation of Kingdom worship? No. I don’t either.
In Lesson 64 of the Understanding the Kingdom of God Series, Dr. Fred Childs
encourages everyone to consider what worship is from a Kingdom perspective.
Worship needs to reflect the worship of the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Kingdom of Heaven is an invisible spiritual country. It is in another dimension. It is a
nation of worship. It worships its King. He is the King of kings and The Lord of lords. He is
the King of Glory. He is the great King.

Christians need to rediscover the culture of worship on earth that mirrors the culture of
worship in Heaven.

For that to happen we first need to understand why the Kingdom worships. Worship existed
in Heaven before the creation of the visible realm. Worship is the oldest human practice on
earth. It dates to Adam, Eve, Cain, and Abel. Cain became jealous of Abel over a worship

Worship is universal. It is found in every aspect of human existence. It is found in every
culture, race, and continent. It is found in every island, modern city, and village.

Man was created to worship God. In the absence of God, men will still worship something. It
may be a god or many gods. It may be a concept, philosophy, or a thought, but man is
made to worship. Some will even worship Satan. Worship is natural to the human spirit.
Humans must worship something, even if they must invent it. They might worship a tree, the
earth or mother nature, the stars, an idol or image, wealth, fame, health and fitness, self,
music, or an unlimited number of anything.

Many choose to worship ideologies and concepts. Atheists worship at the altar of a
philosophy or ideology. It is their religion. Atheism’s attempts to exert its religious belief
system over others (such as Christianity) are simply worship to their ideology. A god or
ideology doesn’t have to be the One True God to be worshipped.

Worship is found in all cultures. It is natural. It is inherent in human nature, but it is the most
misunderstood human activity. There are limitless perspectives from so many people.
Worship places the focus on a deity. All worship deifies something, even if it is a human
being, an animal, an object, a concept, or the absence of a concept.

There is insufficient space here to exhaust the topic of Kingdom worship. Yet in summary,
our worship should reflect the pure, unadulterated expression of hearts overflowing with
worship to the One True and Living God. It isn’t about talent. job descriptions, and our

Seek to worship God from a Kingdom perspective. It is transformational.