sunset over snow covered mountains

“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 66, Part 1 – Time For Transition

This stunningly powerful 6-Part series highlights the necessity and opportunity for individuals, churches, and ministerial organizations to transition from traditional structures, agendas, and priorities to those of the Kingdom of God.

Biblical potential will be realized only when you are in alignment with Kingdom order and priority.

This lesson mentions 5- Houses that must come into Kingdom alignment:

· House #1: The Individual.
· House#2: The Family.
· House #3: The Local Church.
· House #4: The Local Extension Ministry.
· House #5: The Corporate Kingdom of God.

The Biblical order for structuring the Body of Christ validates anointings including but not limited to apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers, helps, governments, works, administration, workers of miracles, and diversities of tongues. Many members make up one body with Jesus Christ being the only Head.

This is a crucial series. It is intended to be a clarion call to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. Today is the day to begin transitioning to Kingdom order, structure, understanding, and practice.