person holding hour glass

“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 66, Part 2 – Time For Transition

This is Part-2 in this stunningly powerful 6-Part series which highlights the necessity and opportunity for individuals, churches, and ministerial organizations to transition from traditional structures, agendas, and priorities to those of the Kingdom of God.

The analogy of the relationship between a husband and wife is compared to that of King Jesus and His Church.

One of the most powerful leadership revelations in the Bible is covered in this lesson. In 1 Samuel 8, Israel demanded that the aging prophet Samuel appoint them a king to judge and rule over them like the other nations. Samuel was angered at their request because God was their King. God told Samuel they were not rejecting him, but they were rejecting God just as they had always done.

God told Samuel to give them a king just as they wanted but warn them first about what would happen. Samuel did so, warning them of the abuses of power an earthly king would do to them. Nonetheless they still demanded a king.

Even today people want religious leaders to rule over them and tell them what to do. Why? Because it is easier to have a king to rule over you than it is to have a relationship with an invisible God. If people demand to have a king, there will arise those who are willing to be their king.

In Jesus’ day the people demanded for Him to become their earthly king. That is what the thought their Messiah would be. However, Jesus was leading them to a Kingdom that is not of this world. They crucified Him because he refused an earthly throne.

In the spiritual Kingdom of God our God is our King.