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“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 66, Part 3 – Time For Transition

This is Part-3 in this stunningly powerful 6-Part series which highlights the necessity and opportunity for individuals, churches, and ministerial organizations to transition from traditional structures, agendas, and priorities to those of the Kingdom of God.

Jesus was leading His followers to a Kingdom, but it was not of this world. He demonstrated that true leadership is servant hood. In His Kingdom the greatest become the least.

In organizations of men the power, authority, and control are at the top. Hierarchical structures require people to compete to climb the corporate ladder. However, the Kingdom of God operates from the bottom up. Leadership is serving, teaching, and empowering others.

Emphasizing the Kingdom of God shifts the focus away from buildings, organizational polity, programs, and other such. The focus shifts exclusively to what God desires from the Body of Christ. His mission is our mission and purpose.

The Kingdom provides the big picture of what our quest is for. This lesson Dr. Fred Childs uses Nehemiah and the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem to emphasize the unity and focus required to accomplish the purposes of God.