black sand dunes

“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 66, Part 4 – Time For Transition

This is Part-4 in this stunningly powerful 6-Part series which highlights the necessity and opportunity for individuals, churches, and ministerial organizations to transition from traditional structures, agendas, and priorities to those of the Kingdom of God.

Apostolic restoration and the return to the principles of the Kingdom of God necessitate unity. An unwavering commitment to do something good for God’s people is required. The true Kingdom of God offers restoration and recovery to God’s people. It does not prioritize things that moth and dust destroy above the priority of people.

Jesus’ initial message in the synagogue in Luke 4: 17-21 was all about restoring God’s people.

Church leaders are tasked with restoring headless bodies. Jesus is the Head. The body is to be assembled to do what the Head tells it to do.

People often will demand of their pastors and leaders to tell them everything they must do. Leaders must reject this pitfall as much as possible, and encourage individual growth in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.