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“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 66, Part 6 – Time For Transition

This is Part-6 in this stunningly powerful 6-Part series which highlights the necessity and opportunity for individuals, churches, and ministerial organizations to transition from traditional structures, agendas, and priorities to those of the Kingdom of God.

The role the apostles fulfilled in the New Testament was crucial. Among the seven deacons listed in Acts 6 were Stephen, Phillip, and Barnabus. These men served the Church. Afterward we read more of these men’s names than of some of the apostles. God uses people who are willing to serve selflessly.

The Church is not the bride of the clergy, but of the Lord. The ministry does not have dominion over God’s people, but they are helpers of their joy (2 Corinthians 1:24).

The Church is in transition. To become servant leaders means that our kingdoms must fall, our crowns cast at His feet, and Jesus is to be declared King of kings, and Lord of lords.