Who Are We?
We are a web-based ministry of The Childs Ministry Group, Inc. Dr. Fred Childs is the CEO, and Monica Childs is the President. Both have extensive business and church experience and acumen. Their exhaustive portfolio includes decades of functioning as leading management, leadership, and team development coaches and consultants. They have ministered and conducted training events and seminars globally for non-profit and for-profit enterprises for decades.
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to teach sound Biblical keys and principles through various resources that produce awareness, understanding, and applicability of the Kingdom of God. We intend to help our audience to apply these Biblical keys and principles to everyday life, business, and ministry. Proper Biblical understanding of the Kingdom enhances the potential of God’s Kingdom into the earth as it operates through people.
This ministry is not parented by or subject to oversight by any outside religious organization or affiliation. We operate as an independent para-church ministry
Our Goal
Our ultimate goal is to influence millions of people to enter into and participate in the Biblical Kingdom of God. This includes empowering church people with an understanding of the Kingdom of God and how to apply it to life. We will become the top-of-mind source and provider of Biblical Kingdom understanding and resources. We will be at the leading edge. Our passion for God’s Kingdom will permeate all we do. We will align with other like-minded people in pursuit of these goals.
Our Guiding Values
As a principles and values-driven team, we value:
Community – We value the importance of connecting people to God, His Kingdom, and to each other.
Compassion – We value serving people because everyone matters to God.
Development – We value personal growth and the discovery of everyone’s God-given purpose.
Excellence – We value honoring God by pursuing everything in life and ministry with excellence.
Relevance – We value ministry that is Biblically sound, socially significant, age-appropriate, and adaptive to the interests and needs of individuals.
Team – We value teamwork by involving everyone to accomplish the corporate mission. We invest in team development.
Truth – We value God’s WORD as the source of life-changing truth and wisdom. We will never knowingly violate or contradict Biblical truth.
Integrity – We will never compromise our Christian ethics and values in the pursuit of financial gain or ministry success.
The Kingdom of God
The Kingdom of God is real. It exists. It is as everlasting as God. He is the King. His Kingdom is extended into this world but is not of this world. It is 100% spiritual. Jesus’ entire ministry was spent and focused on teaching, revealing. and manifesting the Kingdom of God on Earth. Everyone must be born again of the water and of the Spirit to enter into The Kingdom of God. The only door is through Jesus Christ our LORD. We intend to follow in the ministry pattern of Jesus and to help others to enter into and participate in God’s Kingdom.
The Ministry We See
- Is focused on introducing and revealing the invisible Biblical Kingdom of God to the people of the World.
- Has a global impact. We care for God’s people everywhere.
- Exhibits continual growth in multiple categories in order to better serve God’s people.
- Identifies and ministers to multiple demographics of believers. We hope to lead and guide them into all truth.
- Communicates clearly, creatively, and effectively.
- Demonstrates financial integrity, practices good stewardship and prudent business practices.
- Is not swayed from its mission by the politics of religion or otherwise.
- Continually invests in the staff in order to create an environment of teamwork, creativity, and never-ending continuous improvement.
- Prays daily for its mission and impact upon the Kingdom of God.
- Provides ongoing resources that produce results and long-term Kingdom relationships.
- Respects confidentiality as a matter of Christian character and professional necessity.
- Will be ahead of the curve of understanding and not lag behind.
- Is not afraid to reinvent ourselves without compromising who we are, what we stand for, and our purpose.
- Develops win/win associations with like-minded Kingdom believers.
- Promotes others whom God is using to advance His Kingdom purposes.