“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 7 – Trans-Dimensional

Dr. Fred Childs reveals the fact that we are Trans-Dimensional. The born-again experience is very real. It is a spiritual birth that is as real as our natural birth. We are reborn and reconnected to God as a result. The moment we are born again we become a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven. Our new name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

The Kingdom of Heaven is 100% spiritual. Although we physically live on the earth, we can interact with God’s Spirit in both the physical dimension and the spiritual (Heavenly). We have the right to go in and out of the presence of God. We are invited to come boldly before His throne in Heaven. Such can only be accomplished through the Holy Spirit.

We have this treasure (the Holy Spirit) is earthen vessels (our natural bodies). We are therefore trans-dimensional beings. We have as much right to experience heavenly things as we do the things of this world.