Blog 2 – The Kingdom Culture

The world today has countless cultures. It is a fact of life. Many cultures are diversely different than others. Some cultures are compatible, and others are not.

As Christians, we value the souls of people indiscriminately. We want people everywhere to be saved. We may not understand their culture, and we might not relate to or get along with them, our language might be different, but we want them to be saved. We must never forget that when we ourselves were once sinners and yet Christ first loved us!

Every culture has its uniqueness. You have city cultures and country cultures. Cultures exist for rich, poor, criminal, educated, non-educated, elderly, young, national, tribal, island, language, religious, non-religious, church, non-church, and on and on. There are thousands of cultures throughout the world.

Yet every culture has one commonality. Sin. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

Every culture in the natural world has sin in it. Every culture has vices including greed, jealousy, envy, lying, adultery, fornication, vulgarity, profanity, addictions, murder, and countless other sins. Every culture represents the sinful nature of fallen man.

Churches have cultures. The first thing churches do with new congregants is attempt to convert them to the culture of “this” church. The idea is to convert the new person rather than have the new person convert your existing culture. Denominations and religious organizations have cultures, and many are very diverse from one another.

There are many cultures among Christians. Muslims, Hindus, Taoists, Buddhists, and countless other religions have cultures and attempt to convert others to their culture in order for one to remain among them.

Yet, here is the real issue at hand. Every previously mentioned culture is wrong. Every one of those cultures is based upon human preferences, habits, and customs.

There is only one culture that everyone should aspire to. The culture of the Kingdom of God.

In God’s culture, there is no sin. No sin shall enter Heaven. It is a spiritual place. There is no greed, jealousy, envy, lying, adultery, fornication, vulgarity, profanity, addictions, murder, and countless other sins.

God calls us to “come out from among them and be separate”. Come out from what? Come out from the negative aspects of our worldly cultures.

God gives us His Word and Holy Spirit to lead us and guide us into all truth. We are to be transformed to be like Him. His thoughts become our thoughts.

Our journey of faith should transform us, little by little, from what we were to what we will experience together in Heaven with Jesus.

We need to change our culture to become like God’s heavenly culture. It is peace, joy, love, gentleness, meekness, temperance, goodness, faith, and so forth. This should become the goal of every believer. To be like Jesus.

May your journey draw you closer to God and wanting to be more like Him.

We are born again into the Kingdom of God. Therefore, let us bring Heaven’s culture to earth and impact it for the good while we are here.

This teaching series is designed to assist you in that endeavor.

Dr. Fred Childs