“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 11, Part 1 – Colonization

Colonization (Part 1 of a 3 Part Series)

Colonization is the act of colonizing. It is the spreading of a new species into a new habitat. It occurs when a group of emigrants or their descendants settle in a distant territory but remain subject to or closely associated with the parent country.

A colony is a territory thus settled, but the region is controlled by a distant country. The government, language, history, education, and other such are established by the controlling country.

Citizenship must be legal. It cannot be by illegal immigration. Citizenship is not membership. There is nothing to vote for or anyone to elect in the Kingdom of God.

In this lesson, comparisons are made using the original 13 colonies under British rule.

The collective body of born-again believers on earth is called the Church. We are a colony of the Kingdom of God. Our citizenship is in Heaven.