Blog 14 – Citizenship Through the New Birth

The only way to enter the Kingdom of God is by way of the born-again New Birth experience as validated by the Acts 2:38 experience. It is a spiritual birth into a spiritual Kingdom. 

As a born-again Christian, you are a citizen of the spiritual and invisible Kingdom of God. It is very real. Jesus Christ is the King. 

The Kingdom of God operates by the laws established by the word of the King. His will must be elevated and followed above our will, in earth as it is in Heaven. 

It is imperative that God’s people study and learn about the Kingdom of God. The principles of the Kingdom are very important. The question might be asked, “How and where can I learn about the Kingdom of God?” 

The answer is

We have compiled numerous lessons in a series titled, “Understanding the Kingdom of God”.  These lessons are designed to enable viewers to gain an understanding of God’s Kingdom. This understanding will help every individual to be more aware and participative in the Kingdom. It should also strengthen everyone in their church and personal life as a Christian. 

Anyone who goes through the video series will glean what it took years for the author to study and develop. 

Individuals, families, small groups, and churches may use these videos for discipleship and Christian development. 

Learn now what your citizenship in God’s Kingdom means for you. 

Begin participating today. 

Dr. Fred Childs

Author and Host