white clouds

“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 47 – The Kingdom’s Government

The Kingdom of God on earth gets its authority from its King who is God. His Kingdom laws propel His governing force. The Church is also a government that is intended to teach and model the government of God’s Kingdom on earth. The Church has been given the authority to administer the keys to the Kingdom on earth. Spiritual keys open spiritual doors with great potential. This includes the keys to being born-again. This is tremendous power and authority, for no man can enter the Kingdom of God or open the Kingdom by any other method.

Previously we discovered (Lesson 45, Governmental Order), that in the earth today there are four basic governments under the covering of the Kingdom of God. Although the ultimate and highest governmental authority is the Kingdom of God, each of the others has authority within its sphere of influence.

The Church is built upon the foundation of Jesus Christ and the apostles. The Church is apostolic in governance. This means that apostles are the highest authority in the Church, yet they exist to serve.

This lesson explores how the King’s government operates in the Church today.