body of water at daytime

“Understanding the Kingdom of God” Lesson 49 – Bishops

A Bishop is an overseer. Along with apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, the bishops are charged with the responsibility of bringing the Church to maturity. In the New Testament, a bishop is a translation of the Greek word episkapos. This same word is translated elder, pastor, and overseer in various verses. All these words refer to the same role of the leader of a local church.

A Bishop must have sterling character. His qualifications are not his oratorical skills, preaching ability, or his ability to draw a crowd. He is an overseer.

To be Biblically correct a bishop really isn’t the relatively modern trend of granting a title to a retired pastor or church founder. It isn’t an elected position in a religious organization. To be Biblically correct the position must align with scripture. It isn’t simply a way to retire with an income.

The office of a bishop still exists within the Body of Christ. This lesson discusses the Biblical office of a Bishop.