

Lesson 1 – Intro

Lesson 2 – The Kingdom of Heaven is Real

Lesson 3 – The Kingdom and the Church

Lesson 4 – Teachers Who Taught the Kingdom (part 1 of 2)

Lesson 5 – Teachers Who Taught the Kingdom (part 2 of 2)

Lesson 6 – Jesus’ Disciples Preached About the Kingdom of God

Lesson 7 – Trans-Dimensional

Lesson 8 – The Kingdom of God is Here Right Now!

Lesson 9 – The Kingdom of Heaven is Invisible

Lesson 10 – Jesus is The King of the Kingdom

Lesson 11, Part 1 – Colonization

Lesson 11, Part 2 – Colonization

Lesson 11, Part 3 – Colonization

Lesson 12 – Covenant

Lesson 13, Part 1 – The Beautiful Plan of Salvation

Lesson 13, Part 2 – The Beautiful Plan of Salvation

Lesson 13, Part 3 – The Beautiful Plan of Salvation

Lesson 13, Part 4 – The Beautiful Plan of Salvation

Lesson 14 – The Kingdom of God vs Immigration

Lesson 15 – The Bandwagon

Lesson 16 – What are the Implications?

Lesson 17 – Heavenly Citizenship

Lesson 18 – The Place of Law and Deeds

Lesson 19 – No Parallel Cultures

Lesson 20, part 1 – Are We Born Again or Begotten?

Lesson 20 part 2 – Are We Born Again or Begotten?

Lesson 21 – Is the Kingdom a Present Reality?

Lesson 22 – Sons of the Kingdom

Lesson 23 – The Instrument of the New Birth

Lesson 24 – The Spirit Gives Life

Lesson 25 – The New Man Must Choose

Lesson 26 – Wind and Spirit

Lesson 27 – Jerusalem Above

Lesson 28 – What Does “Firstborn” Mean?

Lesson 29 – Christ is Preeminent

Lesson 30 – More About Begotten

Lesson 31, Part 1 – Bridging the Spiritual and Natural Realms

Lesson 31, Part 2 – Bridging the Spiritual and Natural Realms

Lesson 31, Part 3 – Bridging the Spiritual and Natural Realms

Lesson 32 – Permission

Lesson 33, Part 1 – Common Church Growth Barriers

Lesson 33, Part 2 – Common Church Growth Barriers

Lesson 34 – Plateaued Churches

Lesson 35 – Concerning Spiritual Gifts

Lesson 36 – Dead Men and Their Ideas

Lesson 37 – Covenant Versus Dispensation

Lesson 38 – The Kingdom Is

Lesson 39 – Declaring the Glory of God

Lesson 40 – The Kingdom Produces Certain Attributes

Lesson 41, Part 1 – Kingdom of Concepts

Lesson 41, Part 2 – Kingdom of Concepts

Lesson 41, Part 3 – Kingdom of Concepts

Lesson 42 – Knowing the King Establishes Freedom

Lesson 43 – Kingdom Government

Lesson 44 – Adam

Lesson 45 – Governmental Order

Lesson 46 – Kingdom Against Kingdom

Lesson 47 – The Kingdom’s Government

Lesson 48 – The Keys to the Kingdom

Lesson 49 – Bishops

Lesson 50 – Religion is a Counterfeit

Lesson 51 – Religion is Bondage

Lesson 52 – Jesus Christ was not a Religious Man

Lesson 53 – Jesus was Born a King

Lesson 54 – The Kingdom is not Operated by Emotions

Lesson 55 – A Lesson From The Roman Centurion

Lesson 56 – Religious is not Synonymous with Holy

Lesson 57 – Who are You In the Kingdom?

Lesson 58 – Citizens not Members

Lesson 59 – More on Government

Lesson 60 – The Governor

Lesson 61 – Ambassador

Lesson 62, Part 1 – LORD

Lesson 62, Part 2 – LORD

Lesson 62, Part 3 – LORD

Lesson 62, Part 4 – LORD

Lesson 63, Part 1 – Kingdom Thinking

Lesson 63, Part 2 – Kingdom Thinking

Lesson 64 – Worship from a Kingdom Perspective

Lesson 65, Part 1 – The Pattern For Kingdom Prayer

Lesson 65, Part 2 – The Pattern for Kingdom Prayer

Lesson 66, Part 1 – Time For Transition

Lesson 66, Part 2 – Time For Transition

Lesson 66, Part 3 – Time For Transition

Lesson 66, Part 4 – Time For Transition

Lesson 66, Part 5 – Time For Transition

Lesson 66, Part 6 – Time For Transition

Lesson 67 – Conclusion